Our point of view


As experts in molecular diagnostics with a focus on the diagnosis of serious infections, we want to share our views on various topics related to our work and our industry. As an innovative company, we face many business challenges – you can read our thoughts on these challenges in this blog.

  • 11/07/2024 - Cube Dx
    Diagnosis of Pneumonia: Accurate Results in the Shortest Time Save Lives

    Coughing, fever, breathing difficulties, chest pain, general health deterioration, headaches and body aches: Pneumonia can develop rapidly. It is one of the most common deadly infectious diseases worldwide, leading to dangerous inflammation of lung tissue. This affects not only individuals with pre-existing conditions but also healthy people. Bernhard Ronacher, CEO and founder of Cube Dx GmbH, is an expert in the field of molecular diagnostics. In this interview, he provides insights into the challenges and advancements in detecting life-threatening pneumonia and how Cube Dx's technology identifies the responsible pathogen with precise results in the shortest time.


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  • 31/01/2024 - Cube Dx
    compact sequencing: Workflow for Rapid Pathogen Detection in Infectious Disease Diagnostics

    Conventional PCR, sequencing, and more: There are several methods for detecting pathogens in a blood sample, such as in cases of sepsis. Regardless of the method used, it is critical to identify the pathogen as quickly as possible. Early identification allows clinicians, in collaboration with infectious desease specialists, to initiate targeted therapy, thereby improving treatment quality, reducing side effects, and increasing chances of survival. Cube Dx's compact sequencing combines two essential features of infectious disease diagnostics in a single workflow: a broad test panel and rapid results. In this interview, Christoph Reschreiter, CEO and co-founder of Cube Dx, discusses the uniqueness of the technology and how it helps laboratories detect positive results in samples within approximately 3 hours...


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  • 13/09/2023 - Cube Dx
    Early Detection of Sepsis Pathogens: Racing Against Time with hybcell and hyborg

    September 13th marks World Sepsis Day. Sepsis ranks among the leading global causes of death, claiming more lives than heart attacks, lung, breast, and colon cancer combined. Early detection and prompt treatment with antibiotics tailored to the specific pathogen can be life-saving. However, current detection methods, especially for sepsis, typically require a median of 48 hours, and in some cases, even several days, to yield results. In this interview, Christoph Reschreiter, CEO and one of the founders of Cube Dx, an expert in the field of diagnostics, discusses the critical importance of early sepsis pathogen detection and how Cube Dx's methodology achieves this within just three to four hours from a blood sample...


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  • 05/05/2023 - Cube Dx
    Research Oscar: Cube Dx Wins Houska Prize 2023 for Life-Saving Sepsis Diagnostics

    Sepsis, also known as blood poisoning, is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Early detection and rapid identification of the pathogen are critical to initiating effective therapy. Conventional methods involve culturing microorganisms from the patient’s blood, a process that is time-consuming and can take days. Cube Dx has developed a "compact sequencing" method for rapid detection of sepsis pathogens. In April 2023, the company was awarded first place in the "Research & Development in SMEs" category of the Houska Prize by the B&C Private Foundation, receiving a prize of €150,000 for further research...


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